Wednesday 10 February 2010

Virtual Revolution

In class we watched the birth of internet and the different sortwares and sights that have come from it.
In this documentary we learnt that the internet started with a man named Sir Tim Burners Lee who simply wanted to share information within his research lab so he started to create a network that could support this idea in his spare time.
From this small network the first accessible web page was uploaded and from this point in the 80's the web as we know it as spawned. Things like napster, youtube, google and facebook have been able to evolve.
The main idea of the internet in its origins was for people to have the freedom to say what they wanted without restrictions or censorship.
These ideas in large have managed to survive over the years however a hierarchy has began to emerge with a policing system started to come into place controlling what can be said over things such as wikipedia.

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